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Looking for a Great Preschool Program?

Looking for a Great Preschool Program?

Classical Preschool Program As our name indicates, St. Peter’s Classical School utilizes the classical method of educating students. This includes our preschool program, and though our Kindergartners recite the entire scope of the Bible, our 4th graders spell...
Financial Aid Can Help

Financial Aid Can Help

“Have you considered private school?” Any time this question is asked, the parent’s reply is predictable. “Well, sure. We’d love for little Suzy to be in private school. But we could never afford it!” Today’s parents are...
Welcome to Our New Blog!

Welcome to Our New Blog!

I am so glad you found your way to the new St. Peter’s Classical School Blog! Stay tuned for: tips and inspiration for parents reflections on classical education encouragement for prospective families stories of our academic pursuits and so much more! New posts...